Day 764: Hiatus
Wherein I wax rhapsodic on squirrel highways, the quest for identity, and the need to quiet the noise and stand in silence
Wherein I wax rhapsodic on squirrel highways, the quest for identity, and the need to quiet the noise and stand in silence
Wherein I blather tediously about ship rotations, thoughtless choices, and working for something
Wherein I wax rhapsodic on the naming of NPCs, the exquisite delight of holding hands, and a challenging sequence in the flow
Wherein I blather tediously regarding sun starvation, a romp of video games, and homemade triumphs and failures
Wherein I blithely prattle on about land ships, virtual worlds, and what comprises a date...
Wherein I blather haltingly regarding reactivated tech, memories of a friend, and an affirmation of connection
Wherein I blather randomly regarding mindful consumption, recapping a delightful weekend, and an appreciation for romantic entanglements
Wherein I prattle cheerfully regarding playing hookie, a brother's retrospective, and seeking to fill my eyes...
Wherein I blather inconsistently regarding ongoing coffee challenges, meeting lovely people, and the affirmation of "why"
Wherein I prattle inconsequentially regarding new names, coffee catastrophes, and astonishing tiki experiences...
To give voice to the meticulously crafted words of a playwright or author is a rare gift… a kind of “belated collaboration” where you are given the chance to infuse their words with a vital presence and carry their message to the hearts of the audience.