Monthly Archives: May 2023

Day 752: Ease

Wherein I blather blearily regarding potential technical challenges, island adventures, and enjoying things as they are...

Day 752: Ease2023-05-15T08:51:52-05:00

Day 751: Ships

Wherein I prattle inconsequentially regarding the disposition of cargo ships, random encounters with nature's beauty, and giving what I get

Day 751: Ships2023-05-13T09:14:07-05:00

Day 745: Growing Things

Wherein I prattle cheerfully regarding a lack of suburbs, the joys of cultivating garden space, and the nuances of different narrations (and again, with apologies for the rough audio... may need to switch back to the Bluetooth mic for a time)

Day 745: Growing Things2023-05-05T09:30:23-05:00

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On Voice Acting

To give voice to the meticulously crafted words of a playwright or author is a rare gift… a kind of “belated collaboration” where you are given the chance to infuse their words with a vital presence and carry their message to the hearts of the audience.